Provide a complete Engineering details design for any power generation, renewable energy (Solar, Wind and BESS) and substation design
Manage and sign off on all engineering designs from initial design through system post commissioning
Engineering services including Basis of Design, developing system singleline diagram and details protection SLD
Consulting services encompassing a wide range of studies, using the latest engineering design software
About our Services and Turn-Key Solutions
Business Enquiries T: +61 8 8169 1000 E:
South Australia Office 3 Gidgie Court, Edinburgh, SA. 5111
T: +61 8 8169 1000
Western Australia Office 12 Possner Way, Henderson, WA. 6166
T: +61 8 8169 1080
Queensland Office Suite 11A, Portal East. 2994, Logan Road, Underwood QLD. 4119
T: +61 7 3036 2740